Marketing of Master School

The EIT Master School was launched in the fall 2020. This is a very attractive offer, see details here, including studying at two universities, a double degree, summer school in two cities, a generous scholarship programme, internships etc. But the Master School need to be well positioned on the market and the offer need to reach the targeted student segments. This is quite a challenge and initiatives are required to make this very attractive opportunity known.

The problem is that we offer a new programme without any references and in a still small but growing area, urban mobility. Students need both to get to know and see how what we offer leads to attracting career opportunities. Attracting more students a higher number of high quality applications can be expected, further positioning the programmes as attractive alternatives.

Do you agree with the statements above? Is this a significant need that requires our attention? Is this just an issue for the universities or is this in the long run also an issue for cities and the industry?

We should here focus on trying to understand the nature of the problem, so please try to avoid to discussion concrete solutions, even if it is difficult. Potential solutions will be discussed in the next step of the process.

3 thoughts on “Marketing of Master School

  1. I do not think this is a significant problem or immediate need, as every program needs to have first positive experiences from students, to which it can refer. Thus, growth might not be linear but exponential, if first few generations of students are well-treated – and alumni are the best marketing.


  2. In order to consider the Urban Mobility programmes as solid alternatives for the students, we should perform actions from three angles: a) retrospective; b) horizontal; and c) prospective. Regarding the retrospective angle, it should be explored, by means of a market study, what the employment offers are. Regarding the horizontal angle, it should be explored how universities normally build the interdisciplinary efforts to target key social problematics, for example, urban mobility. Finally, regarding the prospective angle, it should be explored where the students we want to attract to the Urban Mobility programs are heading to and what their working interests are.


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